Home Care & Medical Care

Difference Between

Home Care & Medical Home Care

An individual based care
Care provided in group which enhance speedy recovery
Provided by Family Members. Gender conflict is a major barrier
Provided by trained coworkers and professionals
It lacks tracking of vitals, laboratory tests consultant's
opinion and visit of doctor
Daily tracking of vitals, laboratory tests & daily round by doctors
and consultant's opinion
Emergency response service not available
Emergency response service is always active
Care is varied as per the time available to family members
Care is determined as per proactive plan & standardized as per
fixed schedule
Physiotherapy service has to be out sourced
In house physiotherapy service available
At home patients must inform about the problems
Professional and experienced staff take note of the
problem before they complain
Timing for food and medication difficult to follow strictly
Timing for food and medication are strictly observed
Stool/urine/RT feeding becomes cumbersome at home
Stool/urine/RT feeding is a routine part of activity
Cost play a major role in individual care with help of other personnel
It becomes cost effective with extra benefits
Coordination with different service providers is difficult to manage
A well-coordinated service is provided by care givers in a
professional manner.
Quality care and safety often compromised
Quality and safety is monitored by professionals &and make
rapid changes to improve it
Return back to near normal life or becoming Self dependent is difficult
Return back to near normal life or becoming Self
dependent is easy
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