Our Services
- Full time Doctors supervision
- Daily Doctors round morning and evening
- Emergency medical treatment
- Specialist/consultant's opinion/visit if required
- Management of chronic disease like stroke, Fracture, functional disability etc.
- Wound/bedsore dressing under Doctors supervision
- Facility of ECG, Oxygen, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) with endotracheal intubation
- Facility for Nebulization, suction, emergency medicine.
- Facility for Blood investigation from reputed laboratory
- 24 Hour Ambulance service for any emergency for transferring patient to hospital.


- Basic nursing care with human touch
- Ryle's tube feeding, catheterization care, Bedsore care
- Incontinence care
- Vital data monitoring (Temperature, Pulse, Blood Pressure, Oxygen saturation) twice in a day.
- Blood sugar monitoring, Insulin administration
- Timely Medications
- In Emergency, if person has to be hospitalized, staff takes care till relatives arrive.
- Boosts self-confidence for speedy recovery
- Taking them to dinning area in wheel chair for all meals or providing on bed & also feed them if required.
- Bathing, hair combing, shaving, clothing, spoon feeding, nail/hair trimming and cleaning
- Assisting in their daily routines

- Morning Bed Tea, Breakfast with Tea, Lunch, Tea with light snacks, Dinner, A cup of hot milk at night.
- Nutritious meal menu created in consultation with family members and dietician as per requirement.
- Variety of delicious food menu keeps residents healthy and joyful
- Explaining the disease and its co-morbidities in detail to patient and family members.
- Providing guidance to overcome impairment and acquiring highest level of independency.
- Need based information of residents are conveyed to the relatives or relatives can seek resident's wellbeing report from on duty doctors.
- A special psychoanalyst/social counsellor can be arranged if required


- Library, Meditation Room, Slow music/bhajan/ instrumental songs in morning, Prayers in evening
- Playing games which improves their attention and cognitive functions.
- Celebrating their birthdays and anniversaries. Festival celebrations.
- Television, Newspapers, Magazines, Books
- Cultivating their hobbies and skills